Vi holder ferielukket til d. 22/7-2024

What´s Autism? (e-bog)

80,00 kr.

Af Anita Neander Knutzen
Udgivet af Socialt Fagforlag 2020
1. udgave, 1. oplag 2020
ISBN 978-87-90965-25-9

Varenummer (SKU): 1302 Kategori:


This book is for anyone who wants to know more about what autism is.
It is easy to read and does not use difficult specialist terms.

The book is organised alphabetically and contains a brief description of the main areas of autism as well as cases based on my experiences as a mother and as a professional working with people on the spectrum.

“When Cecilie was first diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome at the age of 12, I knew nothing about autism!
Our world was in complete chaos!
Cecilie went to a regular school, but was hardly ever there. She wasn’t thriving in school and was completely burnt out.
Meltdowns were a regular part of our lives.”


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